Shadows 24” x 48”
In The Reeds 24” x 30”
Red Boat 24” x 30”
Cypress Twilight 16″x 20″
Crawdads’ Haven 24″ x 36″- SOLD
Falling Water Tribute 20″ x 24″
Out West 16″ x 20″- SOLD
Agrarian Idyllic 12″ x 16″
Wine Country 30″ x 48″
Autumn Reflections 16″ x 20″
Serenity 36″ x 36″
Autumn on the Farm 24″ x 36″
Falling Water 24″ x 36″ SOLD
Morning Myst 24″ x 36″ SOLD
Number 12 Revisited Again 36″ x 36″ SOLD
Especially Blu Lagoon 36″ x 36″-SOLD